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Main Streets of Ridley Park

Our Visiton Statement

Developing spirit within the business community to complete and sustain revitalizaton. We envison Ridley Park residents and businesses flourishing together in a sustainable community: Where we live, work, and gather together; where our economies are healthy and our town is attractive to residents, businesses, and visitors alike; Where people of all ages and backgrounds enjoy the preserved heritage, diversity, and culture of our vibrant family-oriented community known as Ridley Park. Our meetings are held monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month at Casey’s Resturant beginning at 6:30pm. If you are interested in participating, please plan on attending a meeting. Volunteers are always welcome.

Board of Directors

Mainstreets of Ridley Park is at non-profit corporation and is governed by
a board of directors consisting of the following individuals

Bob Berger


Danielle Delpiano

Vice President

Michele Mattus


Sue Endriss


Kevin Pierce

Dan Dalessio

Jim Eckenrode

Holly O’Mahoney

Dave Dalessio

Brad Smith