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230 W. Chester Pike
Ridley Park Pa 19078
MOST calls for service, or to speak to an Officer should be dialed direct to our dispatch center via “911”.
Persons calling from outside of Delaware County can reach our dispatch center by calling (610)565-6500.
For Right to Know Information, please see “Community Downloadable Forms”.
To speak with the Police secretary, or to obtain a copy of a police report you can call our office at:
Phone:610-362-7401Fax:(610)362-7403Email: email@ridleyparkpolice.org
Sergeant James P. NasellaEmail:jnasella@ridleyparkpolice.org
Cpl. John T. MorrisExt.106Email: johnmorris@ridleyparkpolice.org
Cpl. Robert QuinlanEmail:rquinlan36@ridleyparkpolice.org
Cpl. Marc A. HanlyEmail:mhanly@ridleyparkpolice.org
Ofc. Robert Hinckley Email: rhinckley@ridleyparkpolice.org
Ofc. Frank D’Ambrosio Email: fdambrosio@ridleyparkpolice.org
Ofc. Steven Corsi Email: scorsi@ridleyparkpolice.org
Ofc. Josh Powley Email: jpowley@ridleyparkpolice.org
Ofc. Thomas Byrne Jr. Email: tbyrne@ridleyparkpolice.org
Marge AdamExt.104Email: madam@ridleyparkpolice.org
Please email us at email@ridleyparkpolice.org with any questions not answered here